DIY Kool-Aid Lip Gloss - only 3 ingredients!

We recently had a DIY Day with a few girl friends and the day was all about bath products. We tried to find things that were easy and didn't require double-boilers or very many ingredients. I found a recipe for DIY lip gloss that only had three ingredients and we were sold!

It's pretty simple - melt petroleum jelly in a microwave bowl and then stir in kool-aid and sweetener - boom. Danielle likes to talk - so we had her stirring and talking and talking and stirring. It was a good combo! :-) 

When choosing the flavor of Kool-Aid - it doesn't matter - but just realize that the color of the kool-aid is the color of the lip gloss! Thankfully - Kelly didn't come with lime flavor! 

The recipe had 1 cup of petroleum jelly and let me say - that makes a LOT of lip gloss. We filled all the little containers plus had this plastic bowl with the rest. The nice thing is - just heat it up and stir and you can pour it into more of the little containers!

Rachel found these containers in the bead section at Michaels - but didn't realize until the day of that they didn't have individual lids - the bottom of one was the lid for another - thus - they weren't ideal containers. That said - they worked fine for our small crew. I think they have other types of these containers at the Dollar Store and online. Just be sure to pay attention to make sure you get ones that are separate if you're going to give them out to friends.

The cost on this is REALLY cheap - the petroleum jelly is $4, kool-aid is less than $1 and the containers vary depending on where you get them. But if you're making gifts for the holidays - it's really quick and easy and one batch would probably make 10-15 little jars!

I will say - I don't really taste the Kool-Aid when I use it - I was hoping for a little more flavor - but it goes on smooth so I like it!

DIY: Kool-aid & Vaseline Lip BalmSource: Adapted from Just Us Girls

1 Cup of petroleum jelly 
1 pkg of kool-aid drink crystals - in a lip-flattering color
2 packets of sweetener
Lip gloss containers

1. Scoop 1 cup of petroleum jelly in a microwave safe bowl
2. Heat the jelly in the microwave in 30 second increments, stirring between each heating. It took me about 3-4 minutes to melt the jelly. The jelly should completely liquify and make sure you have hot pads! 
3. Once melted take out of microwave and stir in kool-aid drink crystals and sweetener packets. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.
4. If you see the mixture start to solidify, you can heat again for another 30 seconds
5. Pour into lip gloss containers and leave to set for a couple hours

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