Restaurant Review: Tin Roof at the Banks - Cincinnati, OH

Recently I was meeting up with a colleague downtown and the Banks was the best place to meet that I could drive to but have a chance of finding a parking spot! 

After looking at the Urbanspoon ratings for a few places - I quickly decided on Tin Roof with a 92% thumbs up! (The competition - um ouch)

Tin Roof is a music joint and has bands every weekend. We were there at noon on a Friday though - so none of those shenanigans. :-)

It reminded me a lot of the now defunct Cheeseburger in Paradise on the inside - very festive and a party atmosphere.

My colleague got the Italian sandwich ($8.95) which is served with fries. He enjoyed the sandwich and was pretty psyched to be part of a blog post! It didn't look too crazy authentic but he liked it.

I decided on the Shroom Quesdilla ($9.95) which had grilled mushrooms, grilled chicken, guacamole and jack cheese. The salsa that came with it was a roasted tomato and had a nice dark flavor. This was all my favorites in one dilla - so you can't really go wrong with that.

Why Should You Go? Well I don't know that it has a lot of competition in the "casual dining" realm there - but it was good! Solid food and friendly service. While it wasn't anything "wow" - it was a basic lunch and we both enjoyed it. The prices are affordable for the Banks as well - so we were happy!

Tin Roof Bar on Urbanspoon

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