Penn Station Chicken Subs & Giveaway

Ah - Penn Station is at it again - teasing me and enticing me with their wonderment! That's right - in November all 4 of their chicken sandwiches are on special. So whether you want the Teriyaki, Cordon Bleu, Parmesan or their new Artichoke - you'll get a deal on it all of November!  

So tell me - how did you come upon the wonderment of Penn Station?

For me - I had moved here from Iowa (sadly - a Penn Station free zone) and was working with a girl - sweet thing - Miss Kelly. That poor girl had no idea what she was getting into accepting the job to work with me - I didn't know ANYBODY in the whole city - except her. Oh yes - I was excited to have a new friend. Oddly enough - we're still friends nearly 10 years later!

Well after a couple weeks working with Kelly - she took me to Penn Station. Her standard is the Chicken Teriyaki - which is delicious!

I'm kind of a fan of artichokes - so I'm personally excited about the new Chicken Artichoke sandwich!

So - let me know what YOUR favorite Penn Station Chicken Sub is and you'll be entered to win your own $10 gift card so you can get one for yourself! And don't share it - this stuff is too good to share!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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