Product Review: Entertainment Book (& Digital Access)

I do a lot around the city - not just because it's for my blog - it's just who I am. I like to get out and DO as much as I like to write about it all. That said - it gets expensive! I'm always looking for deals and the folks at just reached out to me about their book & digital offering.  

You've seen these books around - it's a coupon book with offers around your city - well now they have digital & mobile offerings as well. Right now, the book & digital offering are just $15 with free shipping. 

I went online to check out the digital access and they have a map feature which shows you what is near your house (or whatever address you search). It's a pretty cool feature. 

I clicked on an offer and saw they also have a mobile app for some coupons. To me that is HUGE! I'm not the best at printing coupons or remembering to bring a paper book with me - but I always have my phone with me!!! 

So I downloaded the app and decided to check out what is available via mobile. There were quite a few places close to my house that had deals/offers. 

Not all offers are mobile friendly - but there are a decent amount. There are also offers from national and web-based merchants as well. It's one of those services that before you make a purchase or go somewhere - check the Entertainment book/app/site!

I can definitely see where it would pay for itself after just a couple of uses and it's good for all of 2014! There is still plenty of time for you to take advantage of the savings. They even have deals on Reds tickets!!

Disclosure: provided me free digital access in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own. 

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