Giveaway: UDF Ice Cream + Giveaway!

What you're about to see is the look of a happy camper:
A photo posted by Heather Johnson (@foodhussy) on
UDF is celebrating their 75th Anniversary this month by taking a throwback to when they began. They have throwback cups and packaging for their very delicious Peach Ice Cream!

As always UDF has a ton of delicious flavors of every color of the rainbow - hard to not leave without some ice cream!

They also have a special anniversary flavor called 75 Candles - it's cake flavored ice cream with Oreos & sprinkles. Sounds awesome! Unfortunately my UDF had run out so I couldn't try it. :-(

The nice folks at UDF sent me a mug, gift card and my own commemorative UDF ice cream scoop. I feel pretty special - but you can get one too - they have them for sale in stores. It's a really nice scoop - got some weight to it.

And - the great 75th Anniversary logo! 

I'm sure they'll have some delicious things ahead for us and here's to another 75 years of UDF ice cream for everyone! And - to get it started - you can enter here for your own $15 UDF gift card - use it for whatever you like - and I'm sure ice cream will be on the list!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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