Road Trip: West Side Market & Lake View Cemetary - Cleveland, OH

I'm loving going back to see all the pictures from my trip to Cleveland thanks to Positively Cleveland. I love remembering all the fun we had! 

First stop was the West Side Market - which is like Findlay Market but - oh yeah - 10x bigger!!! I've heard about it from other Cleveland-goers but had no idea what I was walking into. It's housed in an old terminal similar to Cinci's Union Terminal Museum Center.

The first walk thru section is FULL of fruits, vegetables and flowers. It's sooooo bright and colorful! The difference here compared to Findlay Market is that all the fruit & vege people are basically selling the same thing all together. You kinda feel like you're walking through Cancun near the people trying to braid your hair - "Hey pretty girl - come see my tomatoes." - um calm down buddy! 

Then once you're through this area - you walk into this ginormous building - 

It's about 6 rows - 10 stores deep - full of food from every ethnicity! There were sausages, cupcakes, fresh pasta, cheeses, breads, meats of every kind, and more and more and more! There were restaurants too! Seriously - I could have spent all day there!!! For a Foodie - it's a #mustsee on any visit to Cleveland.

This was a friend that I saw at the Pork Chop Shop - I couldn't resist taking his picture - especially since I have a couple of vegetarian friends! haha 

I came home with meat sticks and cupcakes - yes! 

Next up - we walked over to the Ohio City Farm. It's a 6-acre urban farm that is designed to incubate entrepreneurial farm businesses and support workforce development programs. They provide urban farmers with low-cost land, shared facilities and technical assistance.

We didn't have much time - but what little time we did have was spent enjoying the rows of flowers. These sunflowers were amazing!

Here's the group of us! Melinda from Pittsburgh, Nedra from Cincinnati, Heidi from Pittsburgh, myself and Nick from Columbus! We had a lot of fun and it was really great getting to know other bloggers.

And seriously - those sunflowers!!!

After this - we headed to Lake View Cemetery - it's very similar in stature to Spring Grove here in Cincinnati - but instead of Proctor & Gamble - it's home to Sherwin & Williams.

It's also where two other famous people are laid to rest - first is the James Garfield monument (top middle & right). I had been to William Henry Harrison's tomb fairly recently and it pales in comparison. This was definitely beautiful and stately. 

The other was John D. Rockefeller (left & bottom middle) - and there's a legend that if you put a dime on the headstone it will bring you good fortune. Well John - STILL WAITING!  

On the grounds is also the Wade Chapel which was designed by Tiffany. It's a small unassuming chapel - until you walk inside...

There are 4-ton bronze doors that open to the "The Voyage of Life". The mosaic on the left wall symbolizes the prophecy & law of the Old Testament while the right wall (shown above) sympolizes the laws of the Prophets through the birth of Christianity. The docent is so knowledgeable and uses a flashlight to tell you about all the little bits and pieces that are special in these mosaics as well as the history of the chapel.

It all leads to the amazing stained glass at the front called, "The Flight of Souls". It was created in one of Tiffany's signature styles and won a gold medal during a 1900 exposition in Paris which really secured it as an important piece in Tiffany history. It was truly spectacular.

The fun thing about all of these stops was that they were all free. No matter what your budget - you can find something interesting and unique in any city you're in!

Thanks again to Positively Cleveland for the trip - they were amazing all weekend!

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