Farmers Market at Liberty Center - All Summer Long!

This post is sponsored by Liberty Center. All opinions are my own. 

Last month I shared all the events happening at Liberty Center in Liberty Township. There are summer movies on the lawn, concert series and a Farmers Market every week of the summer. Recently I stopped out to the Farmers Market to see all the happs! 

The Farmers Market is every Tuesday now thru September 26 on the Square from 3-7pm. They have quite a few unique booths - let's take a look at what I found!

Lots of baked goods - and the thing I loved was that they were really unique - croissants, gluten free cookies and cider donuts by the boxful! Affordable prices abound!

Bouchard's (from Findlay Market) also has a booth with fresh pasta and that's just something you don't see very often in a Farmers Market! Fresh Pappardelle just is mouth watering!

Another fun find was all the Fermented Veggies - I mean - I have literally never seen this anywhere! Napa Kimchee, Pickle Juice, Carrot Kimchee - fun fun fun!

There were also canned and bottled products - from pickles to cupcakes and everything in between. I love the variety that comes with a Farmers Market and that it's all from local entrepreneurs! I can tell you that those Gahhhlic pickles are happily in my belly right now!
And, of course, fresh produce. The thing is this had unique produce- it wasn't just tomatoes and onions - zucchini, cucumbers and - my favorite - FRESH PEACHES! I recently learned on my Berry Picking adventure that we'll have peaches in Cinci this year because we didn't really have a freeze over the winter - woohoo! 

You can find the complete list of vendors and all the information over at the Liberty Center site! I can't wait to go back and get some of those peaches! 

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