So as many of you know - I have a veritable zoo at my house - 2 dogs, 5 cats, 2 fish and 1 Larry. All of them are hungry beasts at one time or another during the day. I was recently introduced to Newman's Own Organics line of pet foods and treats - and I'm always happy to feed my "kids" things that are organic and better for them.
She's not picky at all - but my other dog Wiener (yes - his name and breed are one and the same) - is pickier about food. Both of them really enjoyed the wet and dry food that Newman's Own Organics sent. I don't usually do wet food for my dogs - but it was a nice treat for them.
If you're wondering what does "USDA Certified Organic" mean in re: to pet food - it means that it's gone through a 3rd party verification process that validates that at least 95% of the ingredients are organic. The manufacturing facilities and procedures are also inspected.
They also liked the Peanut Butter cookies but I would moreso recommend these for smaller dogs. They're about the size of a quarter and a big dog like Mysty just inhales them like her dog food (She's a 65 pound German Shorthair Pointer mix).
And then the kitties - this is baby Ivy. She's the senior member of the household at 13 years of age - she's so pretty (and fat). She's what I affectionately refer to as a "Chicken Head". She has an amazing nose - if there is chicken in the car - she knows! So what would Chicken Head and her cohorts say about the Newman's Own Organics line?
Well - as you can tell - she's a voluptuous kitty - but just the same - she loved it all. They were all so excited to hear the can open - they came running and nobody snubbed their nose. Which in a world where there's not a Dr Doolittle to be found - I take as success and happiness!
Also - the sale of Newman's Own Organics generates money for the Newman's Own Foundation. Paul and his wife, Joanne Woodward, were big philanthropists and the foundation has a motto of "Let's Give It All Away" - not a bad way to live. :-)
Thanks to the folks at Newman's Own Organics for the dog & cat gift boxes for my kids.
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